What do we do

Education for Global Justice

The Education for Global Justice is one of the pillars of Fons Català’s work. Its objective is to question, reflect on, and transform in a critical manner the existing political, economic, and social model, which generates structural violence, inequality, and social injustices.

Education for Global Justice is divided into four working areas: awareness, training-education, political advocacy-mobilisation, and research for social transformation.

In this framework, Fons Català promotes political advocacy actions by means of statements and motions, research through the Municipalist Cooperation Observatory, and training, education and awareness, through both projects and communication campaigns.

Awareness-raising campaigns

Donem la volta a la indiferència («We turn de indifference around»)

Campaign focused on turning around any indifferent eye to the problems of the world and provide them with arguments that refute the myths that criticise cooperation and solidarity, which do not believe in its impact or in shared responsibility.

Siguem Refugi («Let’s be shelter»)

Campaign celebrated in the context of World Refugee Day (20th June) that stresses the precarious living conditions and the immoral treatment that millions of refugees and displaced persons in the world receive because they do not have safe channels that allow them to migrate with dignity.

Defensa la cooperació («Defend cooperation»)

Campaign in defence of municipalist cooperation focused on five strategic thematic areas of Fons Català (gender, climate, refuge, health, and education) whereby entity projects in different countries across the globe are highlighted.

Solidaritat a Fons («Full-on solidarity»)

Campaign in supportive response to combat Covid-19 to an international level to claim the importance of municipalist cooperation and forge support networks between the local governments across the world.

Project browser

We currently do not have projects in English, so if you want to access them you can do so in Catalan on this page.