What do we do


Evaluations are a service that Fons Català makes available for their partners. The objective of the Evaluation Unit is to bring more coherence, quality, and visibility to the work carried out by Fons Català in Catalonia, the rest of the Spanish State, Europe, and countries of the global south in which we intervene.

Through the evaluation process, we manage to showcase municipal cooperation, promote a transforming cooperation, know the results and impact of the actions promoted by Fons Català and our partners, create a space for coordination and synergy among actors…

The evaluations are built on four pillars:

  • Coherence: : alignment with the municipalist mandate and the rights-based approach.
  • Quality: appropriation of the evaluation culture and the development of the evaluation capabilities and knowledge-building by partner city councils and Fons Català’s team.
  • Accountability towards public administrations and citizens, analysis, and learning.
  • Visibility: increase of public recognition of municipal cooperation as a public policy that generates citizenship, well-being and justice, making it visible for both the north and the south.

Evaluations browser

We currently do not have evaluations in English, so if you want to access the evaluations made by Fons Català you can do so in Catalan on this page.