What do we do

Humanitarian Action and Emergencies

At Fons Català, we promote and coordinate emergency campaigns to respond to the needs arising from the effects of natural disasters or armed conflicts all over the world. At Fons Català, we act as a coordinating body to allocate the financial contributions of Catalan municipalities to entities which are aware of the context and the affected area, and which implement humanitarian and emergency action projects.

The objective of humanitarian action is to save lives, relieve suffering, and keep and protect human dignity during prevention, the emergency situation and its rehabilitation.

The Department of Humanitarian Action and Emergencies mainly works on the following intervention lines:

  • Forced transfers and human mobility: working to guarantee the right to refuge and the access to safe migratory channels and receptions spaces for refugees who seek internation protection is considered a strategical priority.
  • Sudden emergencies caused by natural disasters or of human origin: we respond to sudden emergencies giving priority to those that take place in areas where Fons Català is present and has alliances and previous experiences with local entities.
  • Forgotten crises (Kurdistan, Palestine or Haiti): we work in areas which are not in the media limelight anymore, but where humanitarian needs are still very present.

How are emergency campaigns funded?

Emergency campaigns are funded with public and/or private contributions (businesses, social organisations, and citizens).

If you are interested in contributing to any emergency campaign as an administration, please contact us at fonscatala@fonscatala.org or by calling (+34) 934122602.

As a private individual, entity, or business, you can make financial contributions only to emergency campaigns seeking funding. Through this same website, you can access the online payment platform (link) and contribute directly to one of the open campaigns. You can also make a deposit to the following bank account number: ES91 0182 6035 4102 0160 8531

or pay via Bizum (mobile payment platform) to the following numbers depending on the campaign:

Campaigns browser

We currently do not have campaigns in English, so if you want to access them you can do so in Catalan on this page.